Using PEMF regularly revitalizes the cellular charge and natural repair response in horses, which helps speed their recovery time.
Used by members of the U.S. Equestrian Team, the Respond System Bio-Pulse 3000 Magnetic Blanket uses a series of magnetic pulses of proper frequency and wave form stimulated cellular action, also known as PEMF. It is used to treat a wide range of equine conditions affecting equine athletes as the pulsing jumpstarts and accelerates normal biological cellular reactions. (Further explanation can be found on our website). The result is an increase in cellular communication and circulation, a decrease in inflammation and pain and a resulting acceleration of healing. Pulsing magnetic therapy penetrates completely through the joints and muscles with no side effects and many times PEMF can be used in place of pharmaceuticals to treat long term, degenerative conditions. Pulsed Electromagnied Field (PEMF) is used to treat a wide range of equine conditions affecting equine athletes. Basic treatment protocols are provided with each of our PEMF systems but you will find that treatments vary based on factors such as:
Age of Horse
Fitness/Health Level including other conditions, medications, stress level and more
Age of Injury
Daily Routine
External factors including travel, competition and stressors
Optimal treatment protocols are a direct result of the veterinarian or therapist knowing the animal and responding to that animal’s unique condition and needs. One horse may respond best to a Sentry Blanket treatment on a scanning frequency 3-6 hours prior to competition whereas another horse may find the using the Sentry Blanket one-hour after competition at a 15pps setting helps to prevent muscle fatigue on day two of the event. RSI Equine will work with to you, us, and your veterinarian, to help determine the best treatment protocol for you and your horses’ needs. PEMF Therapy can help reduce inflammation and pain in addition to accelerate healing. PEMF can be used either as a preventative to injury, especially for equine athletes, or to treat specific equine conditions such as:
Shortened Forelimb Stride
Forelimb lameness
Abnormal head carriage
Muscle atrophy and stiffness
Bucked Shins
Ligament injuries
Bowed tendons
Fresh and delayed union bone fractures
Fetlock and pastern injuries
Suspensory injuries/DDFT
Degenerative Joint Disease
Tendon issues
Arthritic conditions
Pedal Osteitis and Degenerative joint Disease
Hoof Cracks & Quarter Cracks
Founder & Laminitis
Navicular Syndrome
Injuries to Metacarpals, Fetlock, Pastern & Sesamoids
Disclaimer: All Spa wellness therapies mentioned herein is a non-invasive modality intended to enhance well-being in the healthy horse (or dog) – it is not designed to replace proper veterinary care. If in doubt regarding the physical health of your horse, please consult your veterinarian. JRs staff will NOT treat an injured horse (or dog) without a veterinarian approval. The FDA has not evaluated the statements made throughout this website. JRs Equine Spa & Retreat’s services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individuals with questions or concerns regarding any medical or other condition should consult a health care professional. Use of this site or our products are subject to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Notice.