We humans are predators with a strong cultural preference for logical, rational thinking; we like to hole up in our heads, particularly the left hemisphere of our brains, which governs language, logic, and reason. “Most of us spend our whole lives there,” says Allan Hamilton, MD, brain surgeon, horse trainer, and author of Zen Mind, Zen Horse. And this is why horses are a salvation for so many people. “It doesn’t matter what you say, what lies you tell yourself or the horse,” Hamilton says. “All that matters is what you feel.”
Because horses traffic in energy, not language, they help quiet the logical left brain and awaken the sensing right side. Hamilton calls horses “divine mirrors.” They reflect what we put out into the world — a valuable lesson for most of us who have no idea how much our energy affects others. “The horse translates into physical terms what you can see and feel, bringing awareness to what we’re doing, how we’re living.” What arises in our interactions with horses reveals quite a bit about us.
Practice living life in the moment as you work with specially selected horses. Perform equestrian ground skills and get a chance to notice personal patterns that may be holding you back from the life you want to live. You are assured a safe environment as you spend time with your equine partners. Through your interactions with the horses you will experience both a sense of empowerment and a greater sense of self-awareness. They will aid you in understanding how your own behaviors, reactions and limiting beliefs have prevented you from living in harmony with those who you love, work with and interact with each and every day. No horse or riding experience is necessary! Why partner with horses? Because horses are masters at identifying what we need at any given moment. If we are in doubt or not clear of our intentions, the horse can educate us on how we are in the present moment. Horses excel as both teacher and guide. You may wonder, how does this happen? What is the intrinsic nature of the horse that enables this process? The horse is a prey animal; meaning they are constantly on alert to maintain their physical and emotional safety. They are sensitive to non-verbal cues and communication and respond to what messages a person gives them in the moment. They will expose any incongruence you may have. These responses offer information which can bring a new awareness to both old and current patterns and open the gateway to change and to learn new ways of relating to yourself and to others. Horses do not ask why, they respond to what is presented before their eyes. Due to their nature, they are experts at reflecting back what human beings project through their emotions and behaviors. Horses are a metaphor on how we live our lives.